Phone Number, Email, Address, Nationality, Name, etc.
1. Phone Number & Email
You can update your phone number and email address within the Paytend app in a few simple steps:
In the app, click on the fourth icon displayed on the bottom menu bar.
Go to Settings.
Click on Personal Info.
Click on Modify to make the changes.
When you update these details, we will need to verify them using facial ID verification via the App.
PLEASE NOTE - Phone number and email can ONLY be updated by you via the app directly at the moment.
2. Password
You can update your login password via the app directly:
- In the app, click on the fourth icon displayed on the bottom menu bar.
- Go to Settings.
- Click on Modify login password.
3. Name and Gender
If you wish to update your legal name or your gender please contact our Customer Support team via email ( or live chat.
PLEASE NOTE - you will need to provide a copy of your new Passport/ID Card along with an official document of change (marriage certificate, updated birth certificate, etc.).
4. Nationality
If you wish to update your nationality, please contact our support team via email or live chat and ensure to have a copy of your new ID card ready.
5. Delivery Address
If you wish to update the address of your card order please contact our customer support team via email ( or live chat.